Wednesday, February 11, 2009

six photographers/artists

Henri Cartier-Bresson
Bresson was painter before he became a photographer, so his composition is outstanding. He was all about catching the moment.

Diane Arbus

Arbus took pictures of people the way there were, she didn't try to change them for her photos. It didn't matter if they were weird, ugly, sad, ect.... She boldly took pictures of who they were..

Jenn Hoffman

Jenn Hoffman is a photographer based out of L.A. she does mainly fashion photography...
She is young, but I think she has some great work..

Alex Colville
Colville is a Canadian painter. Some of his paintings that I liked best of his catches people unaware that they are the subject, and in the act of something.

Sally Mann
she is know mostly for her photos of her family, especially her kids.

Van Gogh
Van Gogh is one of my all time favorite painters. It might be more difficult to emulate his work in photos though...